Mobile game for celebrations

Transform any special occasion into an adventure with EventBattle's interactive mobile game. Whether you're hosting a birthday, wedding reception, or family reunion, our app creates exciting treasure hunts that bring people together through laughter and discovery.

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Make every celebration magical with EventBattle's interactive adventure app

EventBattle's interactive adventure app is the perfect way to unite your guests and elevate any celebration. With creative challenges, easy customization, and personalized themes, our platform empowers you to design an engaging treasure hunt experience that will delight your guests and create unforgettable connections.

Setting up your celebration adventure with EventBattle couldn't be easier. Simply access our platform to design your unique game, select from our fun-filled activities or craft your own special challenges, and add your personal touch. Share your exclusive game code with guests, who can instantly join the fun through our user-friendly app.

Start creating magical moments with EventBattle's celebration app today and transform your special occasion into an extraordinary adventure!


Invent your own tasks

Set your own game rules, prizes and define your game challenges.
It's up to you. Check out the following inspiration:

📸 Decade Partners
Find someone born in a different decade than you. Take a creative photo highlighting the generation gap or surprising similarities! Share and record one thing that was different/similar in your childhoods.
44 min
+30 points
🌟 Hidden Talent Show
Find someone with an unusual talent and create a mini performance together. Record a short video of them teaching you their talent. Extra points if you can gather an audience of other guests!
43 min
1 x
+140 points
🎭 Two Truths Chain
Start a chain of 'Two Truths and a Lie'. Each person must find someone they don't know, play the game, then introduce that person to someone new to continue the chain. Take photos of each new connection made!
15 min
1 x
+110 points
🎪 Mystery Skills
Find three people with unexpected professional skills. Take photos demonstrating what you learned about their work. Create a fun chart showing the diverse talents at the party!
60 min
+100 points
🎬 Story Collectors
Interview three guests you haven't met about how they know the celebrant. Create a short video compilation of the best stories. Try to find the person with the most surprising connection!
50 min
1 x
+20 points
🎵 Music Match
Find three other guests who share your taste in music. Create a small music group and take a photo posing as a band. Bonus points if you can find people with completely different backgrounds but same favorite song!
34 min
1 x
+140 points
🎲 Common Ground
Form a group of 4 people who don't know each other and find three things you all have in common (besides being at this party!). Take a photo showcasing what you discovered you share!
55 min
+160 points
👥 Speed Meeting
Find three people you haven't met before. Each person must share one surprising fact about themselves. Take a group selfie and write down those interesting facts! Extra points for finding the most unexpected connections between guests.
7 min
1 x
+140 points
🎨 Hobby Hunters
Create a group of 3-4 people with completely different hobbies. Take a photo where each person teaches the others one simple thing about their hobby. Document the most interesting new thing you learned!
5 min
+180 points
🌍 Travel Tales
Find someone who has visited a country you'd love to visit. Take a creative photo together while they share their best story from that place. Write down their travel tip to share later!
27 min
1 x
+130 points

How does it work?

EventBattle makes creating custom scavenger hunt games easy.
Our platform lets you design, brand, and manage your game in just a few simple steps. Here's how to get started:

1. Create new game   

Look and feel editor

It takes only a few clicks on this website. Personalize your game by own rules and branded logo.


Tasks setup

Setup own tasks with text description of what to do, reward (points) and optionally some restrictions. Or use our presets.


Invite players

Once you finish the setup, you will get an game code, which players will use to access the game.


Explore the app

Try our demo game and explore the mobile app interface.

Download app

Play demo game

The demo game lets you explore the EventBattle mobile app.

  • Download the app from the store
  • Click on the More info button
  • Click on the Start demo game button
  • 👍 Enjoy discovering

The tasks here are exemplary. When you create your own game, you can customize tasks in the web administration.